IAD | An interactive performance by [tis ixu's] Ensemble
Pandemic Art 1.0 | [tis ixu's] Ensemble IAD Performance
Dec 11th 2021 4-5.30PM CET ENTER 👉🏽 meet.google.com/rnw-xkgf-cuq [tis ixu's] Ensemble are inviting for their interactive performance IAD IAD Individual Action Development Internet Addiction Disorder The work was born as a digital transposition of the soundwalk / ɡlɔssolaˈlia /, a project presented by the Ensemble at the Tempo Reale Festival 2020. This transposition stems from the idea that the Ensemble, like many other artists in the same situation, works on the temporary impossibility of realizing an inclusive performance according to traditional canons due to the pandemic situation. IAD is a digital "path" that investigates by bringing the user closer to it, the idea of the ecologically conceived sound space. During the performance, this area, no longer sensorially tangible but volatile, will be composed of the sound environment of the individual rooms / houses and of the people who are inside the digital space at that given moment. This itinerary consists of 8 sound actions, during which the users will investigate the infinite possibilities of sound emission linked to them and to their electronic devices. From an expressive point of view, the performance focuses its attention, and develops, the dichotomy between the open and public space of the digital world and the closed, private and personal one where you choose how to produce sound, using your own body but only and solely as part of the digital extensions of it (smartphone, computer, smart TV, etc.). This condition will reflect the typical everyday life of the pandemic, where most of the communication, both verbal and non-verbal, is obligatorily digital. |
About [tis ixu's] Ensemble
The [tis ixu's] Ensemble is created in 2018 when Niki Lada (Soprano) and Alessia Damiani (Composer and Electroacoustic Performer), both interested in contemporary classical repertoire, meet. Its debut takes place in September 2020 in the Tempo Reale Festival 2020 "UNLOCKED SOUND" (Italy) with the sound walk /ɡlɔssolaˈlia/. On January 30 2021, the video art /dis'tantse/ is broadcasted on the radio marathon on Ràdioilla Formentera 107.9 FM organized by Freedom the New Human Manifesto (Spain). On March 9 2021 /dis'tantse/ was also included in Audiovisual Poetic Anthology by Revista Innombrable (Mexico). /dis'tantse/ has furthermore travelled to Lacuna Festivals 2021 (Spain), to Artperformingfestival -performance art an independent art festival of Italy "L'Umanita - il mondo che verra" 2021(Naples-Castel dell'Ovo). Pandemic Art 1.0 Pandemic Art 1.0 is a retrospective upon the first year and a half of the global pandemic situation (2020), also addressed as 'the new normal'. Pandemic Art 1.0 is a project, showcasing the work of 38 professional artists from 23 countries, representing the artistic retrospective of the first year and a half of the pandemic. The project seeks to encourage the thought (and feeling) of new ways of togetherness, new ways of solitude, new forms of interaction, and the re-design of systems, along the re-design of self. As a follow-up on a series of lock-downs, artists are asked to reflect upon what isolation and disruption has meant to them. Pandemic Art 1.0 is available as a book, an e-book, and an online virtual exhibition, in which you'll get the opportunity to connect with the participating artists, along with yourself, while engaging with the abstract thought of existence within the current global situation. |
Enter the exhibition of Pandemic Art 1.0, showcasing 38 international professionals in dialogue about the 'new normal'Pandemic Art 1.0 virtual art exhibition opens from December 2nd 2021 and is on display til May 1st 2022.
Join us and experience the reflections of 38 professional artists from varies artistic fields, and their creations during a series of local and global lockdowns. |
Pandemic Art 1.0 BOOK RELEASE: Both as book and e-book Publication: Release December 2ndPandemic Art 1.0 is also a book release in both e-book version as well as printed, consisting of 300 pages. Within the publication, 38 artists are reflecting upon the first year and a half of the corona pandemic, showcasing emotions of isolation, frustration, sadness, loss, sorrow, creativity, expansion of mind, social collapse, change within the framework of sanity and much more.
Vulnerable lives, pandemic times, and political re-imaginings. An introduction to the project Pandemic Art 1.0Pandemic Art 1.0 is introduced by Phd Associate Professor Louise Fabian, from the University of Aarhus. Fabian argues that the ongoing global C-19 pandemic has had implications, consequences, risks, costs, and opportunities that we are still only beginning to understand.
Fabian's introduction offers a support for the artistic retrospectives, presented in the project, and their many angles. 👇🏼 |