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a presentation by Four Boxes Gallery
Sophie Hjerl
BETWEEN TIMES Four Boxes Gallery Opening d. 5. october 2024, at 17 Preview d. 4. october 2024, at 20 Four Boxes Gallery presents the exhibition Between times by visual artist Sophie Hjerl, featuring Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and video works in dialogue with physical space and objects, creating a kind of new total installation.
With this exhibition, Sophie Hjerl challenges the perception of the virtual versus the physical in themes that revolve around the existential extremes of life. The exhibition examines and dissects the material, which, together with virtual and physical space and objects, shifts the concept of reality. Because when is something truly real, and how are we affected by the immaterial and virtual? Time and space have always been considered inseparable factors, but with virtual tools, humans can appear on the other side of the globe and now even wage wars over distances that were previously impossible. As in quantum physics, where electrons appear in multiple places at once, we are no longer present in just one place. We are now present in many places in “between times.”
The works are a mix of newer, brand-new, and older pieces that together create new narratives in the exhibition. The viewer moves between the extremes of death and birth and in a limbo between worlds. Hjerl finds it interesting to work with concepts that may seem “banal,” difficult, and prone to missteps. She is intrigued by what happens when these life events or circumstances are evoked in art. Sophie Hjerl’s practice is rooted in sculpture and movement – the solid and the fluid. From working primarily with video art, she now also engages with XR (Extended Realities) – virtual works connected to the physical world. Hjerl has always consciously aimed to create counter-images to the world’s flood of images, with a strong sense of sensuality in the synthetic. Through the new XR media, she works with what she calls: The body as consciousness in space. Hjerl defines this as the XR media’s strongest virtual and spatial potential.
Sophie Hjerl - Between Times 05.10.2024 – 27.10.2024
Opening on 5th October 2024, at 17:00. Preview on 4th October 2024, at 20:00. Four Boxes Gallery Krabbesholm Allé 15 7800 Skive Denmark This exhibition update of Sophie Hjerl takes part of the ARTICULATE PROMOTE Programme.