The theme of the work of the Southern European synergetic duo DOURONE, are concerns in which they investigate, until they reach the next article written by Carmen Line Hust
ARTICULATE #30 | January 2022 The Spanish artist Fabio Lopez Gonzalo (b. 1985) aka DOURONE, began painting graffiti in 1999, at the age of 14. In his hometown, Madrid, he trained himself as an autodidact artist, working in different disciplines, until 2012 when the French artist Élodie Arshak (b. 1979) joined him, creating the duo DOURONE. Their urban mural work is present in more than 45 cities and together DOURONE have painted more than 90 murals around the world.
DOURONE like to work with many different materials and techniques. Their focus is in the end result, as they like when the work is polished and well done. Their works are partly thought out and partly emerge from an idea that has not been fully clarified. DOURONE like to study the things they’re working on, it makes them feel confident about their work and with the possibility of being able to defend it. |
The studio work of the synergetic, South European duo, has had drastic evolutionary changes until creating the concept titled Fragmented Record (2018), which is a closed, conceptual study of the 21st century, expressing the adaption of the human species on a planet that is no longer the same. Fragmented Record is the name to describe the study of the decomposition of movement / time and emotion / feeling. The theme of their work varies more or less every 3 or 4 years. They are concerns in which they like to investigate until they reach the next concern.
To DOURONE, the key element in creating a good composition, is when you see the whole of a piece and there’s nothing that hurts your sight - it is like when you look at your partner and you fall in love.
In the opinion of DOURONE, an artist cannot be influenced by another artist, to them that is called copying. What other artists generate, to them, is competitiveness, in a good way. By this, they mean that they admire other artists, but that they don’t necessarily have to like all their work and much less get influenced by it.
This article about DOURONE takes part of the 30th magazine, ARTICULATE #30. Read, download or order your print version of the full publication below.