ARTICULATE 40 | Anthropocene, is a magazine of contemporary art, packed with 90 pages of high quality content, showcasing the work of 6 professional artists, featuring the British color pencil illustrator Hannah Lipsey, the Danish designer Morten Stenbæk, the Argentinian painter and tattoo artist Daniel the Gardener, the American artist Akin Durodola, the Danish painter Kim Pihl and the Argentinian visual artist Guada Plaza Petersen.
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An interview with Daniel the Gardener - a globally known painter and tattoo artist.An interview by Caroline Progner Abrahao | Jul 2024
The Argentinian painter and tattoo artist Daniel the Gardener bounces between his dedication to painting and tattooing. We have had a talk with him about his ongoing love affair with these two forms of visual expression - the thought processes where they resemble each other and the ones where they differ. |
The Art of Letting Go: Kim Pihl is Embracing Uncertainty in Creativity, Challenging his Innate Need for Control.An article written by Mona Lisa Abramovich | Jul 2024
"Relax. Nothing is under control." This modern mantra resonates deeply with Danish artist Kim Pihl. This article encapsulates the essence of Kim Pihl's artistic philosophy and journey, emphasizing the importance of embracing uncertainty and the transformative power of letting go. |
The Journey of the Hyperrealism Pencil Artist Hannah Lipsey - from Childhood Dreams to Reflective Masterpieces.An article written by Carmen Line Hust | Jul 2024
Hannah believes that a good composition hinges on the contrast of light and dark and the strategic placement and angle of the subject. While color is significant, she emphasizes personal preference over universal appeal, cautioning against creating art solely to please others. This approach ensures that she remains passionate and true to her vision. |
American artist Akin Durodola is Engineering Paths to Artistic Mastery. A Transformative Journey.An article written by Carmen Line Hust | Jul 2024
For Durodola, art is a profound form of self-expression and a pathway to discovering his deepest desires. Each drawing session serves as an exploration of his capabilities, a challenge to push the boundaries of photorealism, and a moment of solace where he can unwind and find clarity amidst the chaos of life. |
The Passionate Journey of the Self-Taught Designer Morten Stenbæk. Creating Aesthetics from NecessityAn article written by Mona Lisa Abramovich | Jul 2024
Morten Stenbæk, an autodidact Danish designer, has always been driven by an insatiable curiosity. Although he began his woodworking journey in his late 30s, his love for wood’s look and feel has been a lifelong affair. In terms of composition, Morten trusts his taste and intuition. |
Returning to Paradise - an Anthropocene reflection upon the narratives of modern and post-modern society.An article written by Carmen Line Hust | Jul 2024
Guada Plaza Petersen's project Return to Paradise works as a meeting point, to rethink and overcome the separation of humanity with the environment, to make humanity reflect on the climatic urgency, generate environmental awareness and responsibility with the planet that we inhabit. |
ARTICULATE 40 | Anthropocene, is a magazine of contemporary art, packed with 90 pages of high quality content, showcasing the work of 6 professional artists, featuring the British color pencil illustrator Hannah Lipsey, the Danish designer Morten Stenbæk, the Argentinian painter and tattoo artist Daniel the Gardener, the American artist Akin Durodola, the Danish painter Kim Pihl and the Argentinian visual artist Guada Plaza Petersen.